History of the Crystal Lake Church of Christ

History of the Crystal Lake Church of Christ

Crystal Lake Church of Christ has been meeting in the Crystal Lake area since approximately 1961. Members originally met in old downtown Crystal Lake on Williams street in an old labor hall. Within a few years the original building at 401 N. Oak Street was built. In 1995, to accommodate a larger number of members, Jim Vermillion came up with the idea of the building expansion and the project was overseen by the elders at the time, Bob Limburg, Jim Gilstrap and Ray Exum. The construction enabled an expansion of the bathrooms, cry room, handicap elevator accessibility, basement fellowship hall and church offices. Also at this time, the landscaping was designed by Randy Illg and installed by the congregation.

The evangelistic work at Crystal Lake has been strong throughout the years. Eldership was established in the 1980s. Larry Chandler, Bill Summers, Allen Jiles and Ray Exum were the first elders to serve the congregation. Allan Jiles served later with Ray Exum and Jim Vermillion after Jim Gistrap moved and Bob Limburg passed away.

Ray Exum served as a preacher and Elder for 30 years and retired at Crystal Lake. After Ray’s retirement preaching has been the responsibility of the men of the congregation. 

Crystal Lake has been a benevolent organization that has supported several congregations monetarily and evangelistically. The church has helped establish several other churches in Superior, WI, Four Lakes in Madison, WI, Hayward, WI, and others. We also established the Beaver Creek Bible Camp in Eau Claire, WI. There has also been a number of men the Church has supported to go to Preaching school.

The church has hosted Singings, Vacation Bible Schools and Gospel Meetings.

Through hundreds of members through the years the church has remained the cornerstone of His word. “...Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” Matthew 16:18.

Larry Chandler  1984-0000

Bill Summers  1984-0000

Ray Exum  1984-2014

George Roberts   0000-1995

Jim Gilstrap  0000-2001

Bob Limburg  0000-2002

Allan Jiles   2002-2004

Jim Vermillion  2002-2024

Randy Illg  2005-2024

Mark Varney 2008-2010

Dave Powers 2021-2023